cambio climatico

LIVE EARTH: conciertos por un clima en crisis

07.07.2007 El día 7 de Julio próximo pasado y con una duración de 24 hs, se realizaron en Estambul, Tokio , Johannesburgo, Sydney, Nueva York, Río de Janeiro, Shangai, Londres y Hamburgo, Los Conciertos por un clima en crisis, que demuestran el compromiso de los paises comprometidos en adoptar medidas y tecnologías a favor del medio ambiente y contra el cambio climatico.

Queremos compartir con ustedes » Hey You» la canción oficial de Live earth encargada a Madonna especialmente para este evento.Y esperamos que sirva para que todos tomemos conciencia y reflexionemos sobre los peligros del cambio climatico global y adoptemos medidas de consumo de energías renovables.

Hey You
Don’t you give up
It’s not so bad
There’s still a chance for us
Hey You
Just be yourself
Don’t be so shy
There’s reasons why it’s hard
Keep it together
You’ll make it all right
Our celebration is going on tonight
Poets and prophets would envy what we do
This could be good…hey you

Hey you
Open your heart
It’s not so strange
You’ve got to change…this time

Hey you
Remember this
None of it’s real…including the way you feel
Keep it together
We’ll make it all right
Our celebration is going on tonight
Poets and prophets would envy what we do
This could be good…hey you

Save your soul, little sister
Save your soul, little brother
Hey you
Save yourself
Don’t rely on anyone else
First, love yourself
Then, you can love someone else
Then, you can change someone else
Then, you have saved someone else
But, you must first love yourself
Then, you can love someone else
If you can change someone else
Then, you have saved someone else
But, you must first…


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